Apparently, every cultural changes that occur on a nation’s scale or on a global scale are first due to a culture change on the individual level. Once this individual change grows to a critical mass, it leads to a change in the general demand. The response to that general demand is what will creates the actual change we can perceive in the world.
Whether such changes were induced through propaganda, lies, or positive aspiration, the result is still the same:
Culture changes change the global demand and the global demand changes the global response.
For example, a culture of consumerism will lead to a society of consumption. A culture of hyper consumerism would lead to a society of hyper consumption. Isn’t it?
So I often wondered what creates culture and how we could foster a positive ‘evolution stock’.
Nowadays I would say that the sharing of values & experiences is what creates culture.
Understanding something and living by it is not the same. But once those two aspects are linked, they do create an ‘ambiance’. This ambiance or ‘culture stock’ naturally spreads out and fosters such culture.
Up-stream‘s cultural stock is designed to give a very specific human flavor that link values and experiences to knowledge and wisdom.
By knowledge I mean knowledge of evolution processes: growth & shrinkage. By wisdom I mean being able to see clearly through those processes as they happen.
The concept of greater good always includes personal good and is de facto sustainable.
Such sustainability has a very specific and recognizable flagrance. Just like a culture stock, the more that fragrance spread, the more it will affect global governance & global well being.
Nowadays, the rising of the internet and social medias allows us to diffuse such flagrance and organize such specific positive culture change in a discreet yet global manner.
That is what Up-Stream is all about:
Organizing a deep and long term positive cultural change through the enhanced inter-connectiveness of the digital media, linked to the direct knowledge and wisdom of our human intelligence.