When you realize that you have no idea what you are doing here, does this simple shift in consciousness occur?
If it does, then that is the first hacking of the awakening mind. We can now start to look at the reality of our life and step away from the idea of our life. We have just cracked the first firewall of our conditioning: the cognitive veils!
It is a very simple experience. A slight shift where for an instant we look at our reality with fresh eyes.
Like a child mind entering a toy house for the first time. We discover the experience of life and its conscious continuum of playfulness:
Trial, Error & Laughter!
Obviously, this experience is not about knowing why I am here. But rather it is about what can I do while I am here.
How can I play fully during this amazing opportunity.
‘Why I am here’ is a myth. It is a diversion from the actual reality and from the field of possibilities that comes with it.
Myth and beliefs – conscious or unconscious – are in fact the root of our conditioning. They format our life to a pre-conditioned purpose or fate.
As soon as we drop or cut through those beliefs, we feel better. We feel lighter.
We feel lighter because at that moment we are realizing that there is no fate. That we are in control of our life. That we are free to evolve and to respond to our reality.
This is a great liberation from the weight of our conditioning. That is why we can call it enlightenment. But beware, it is the very beginning, not the end!
This reality of enlightenment has been tweaked by the propaganda of the spiritual and religious systems in order to make us believe that enlightenment comes at the end – like a faraway goal or reward.
But in fact, it is indeed a beginning!
It is an amazing opening into the vastness of our consciousness and the possibilities lying in front of us.
Here and now, while we are experiencing and riding this spark of life.