An Up-Stream SAGA
“Buck passing, or passing the buck, or sometimes the blame game, is the act of attributing to another person or group one’s own responsibility.” Wikipedia “
The essence of meditation is to stop passing the buck regarding our own life.
Our state of mind is nobody‘s fault and for sure nobody else’s responsibility. It is something we have to deal with.
Meditation can be understood as a set of tools to train our ability to answer to our life decisions and direction. Thus it is a way to stop passing the buck of our spiritual responsibility!
We might blame our parents, our boss, the society, the gurus, the church, our kids, our schools, our friends, alcohol , drugs, health, wealth, education, jobs, etc.… There is no end to passing the buck of our state of mind. Meditation is about taking responsibility for our state of mind and our state of affair !
So, just like the president of our own mind, when we sit, we are learning to see clearly what there is, and what we can do with it.
Meditating basically means stopping the buck!… or stopping the bug that is corrupting our freedom and ability to respond to our life.
In The bug Stops Here, we are exploring that process through a digital meditation ‘Saga’. Hope you enjoy it!
‘Up-Stream , Let’s direct the current of our life’ ™